"Martha, Martha, the Lord answered, you are worried and upset about many things, but few things are needed—or indeed only one. Mary has chosen what is better, and it will not be taken away from her." —Luke 10:41-42
My head hit the pillow the other night, but instead of closing my eyes and succumbing to the rest my body and mind begged for, I replayed the weekend's events. I spent most of the weekend rushing children out the door, losing my temper, stressing about all the extra expenses, and complaining about my never-ending task list. The days have felt so long, yet they are always too short to accomplish all that needs to be done.
It wasn't just this weekend that made me feel this way; it has been a long year of trying to be everything for everyone. I seemed to be failing at every role I played: wife, mom, friend, employee, and, most importantly, a good Christian woman who studies the Bible daily.
I tried to give myself a pep talk and close my eyes.
You are just tired.
You are human.
Give yourself a little grace.
Big, salty tears rolled down my cheeks, dampening my pillow as I asked God to translate my tears because I couldn't form words. I was too exhausted to even pray. Graciously, He granted me sleep.
Perhaps you can relate to a season like mine. Are you emotionally drained, physically spent, and spiritually depleted? Are you lying awake instead of resting? Can you relate to Martha more than Mary?
In Luke 10:38-42, we read that Martha needed help preparing a meal for the most important house guest she would ever have. She complains to Jesus that Mary, her sister sitting with Jesus, is not helping with the preparations. That's when Jesus uses Mary as an example for Martha to follow. I can only imagine what was going through Martha's mind when she was met with this response.
I don't know about you, but I dislike cliffhangers. Did Martha take off her apron and sit with her sister at the foot of Jesus? Did she return to the kitchen mad, taking her frustration out on the chicken she was pounding, or did she cry over a sink of dirty dishes?
The problem wasn't Martha's hospitality; the problem was that she was distracted by her good works. Jesus wasn't chastising her with His response. When Jesus repeated her name, He was showing compassion. He was offering the gift of grace by inviting her to focus on the only One that matters. Martha had the chance to rest from the hospitality and service expected of women in this period and learn directly from the greatest Teacher. I hope she wiped the flour off her hands and sat down.
Responsibilities and busyness do not magically go away when we stop and spend time in the Word or take a few minutes to rest in His presence. But when we invite God into our day-to-day and accept His gift of unearned favor, His grace has the power to transform us. God will help shift our perspective from grumbling to gratitude. He will provide the endurance, rest, and rejuvenation we need to keep showing up for others.
If you are like me, a "Martha," taking care of everything and everyone, you must intentionally fight to be more like Mary. Charles Spurgeon says it best, "The way to get the revival is to begin at the Master’s feet; you must go there with Mary and afterwards you may work with Martha."
Friend, we aren't meant to be everything for everyone. Jesus is the one who fills those shoes. Let us not get so distracted by our service that we lose sight of Jesus.
Questions for Reflection:
Are you depending on your strength and control or leaning into Jesus by spending time with Him?
Think of a small habit you can incorporate into your daily routine to intentionally be more like Mary. You could start each morning by writing down three things you are grateful for. Another idea is to pray while washing dishes or folding clothes.
Originally part of the Daybreak Devotions on Crossmap: https://blogs.crossmap.com/stories/give-yourself-a-little-grace-P6herHRCzPYD_EIziS86L